Teaching, learning and evaluation committee of KCL – IMT, Jalandhar organized WORKSHOP ON COMMUNICATION SKILLS’. The main objective of this event was to enhance the communication skills among students. Dr. Madhumeet (Professor and Dean of Student welfare, K.M.V college, Jalandhar) was the resource person for the event who explained the students how to use the communication skills in your daily life. She delivered the lecture in a very comprehensive manner . This event was attended by the students of BCA VI, BCOM VI, BBA VI, MBA II, MCAII, MCAIV.
Dr. Sanjay Bhargava(Dean-IT) Mr. Kamal Nain Sharma (HOD-IT), Dr. Inderpal Arora (Assosiate Professor) and Prof. Nidhi were also present in the event.
Dr. S.K Sood (Director, KCL-IMT) said that institute will keep on organizing such helpful workshops, lecture etc for the students.